17 October 2014

Bonus Transfer Code GW8 2014/15

Hi All Players,

Kindly be informed that the transfer code for GW 8 is as below;

Euro code : CH0RYCASTR0

Bonus code : 09P1QUE90

Who is the best captain for dis week..I will choose neymar for this week


  1. U are the man,simply the best,tak kedekut,terima kasih sudi kongsikan tips Dan kod Kat kitaorang semua..mr bro wanozil....and by the way,good luck for everything you do..we are the gunners...

  2. Tq mr mohd azam..i love fantasy football so much..so apa yg tau saya akn cuba kongsikan..harap2 ada reader yg mng hadiah..

  3. Just copy and paste.. it's ok..
    TQ bro..

  4. Thanks Wan, My captain will be Tevez cause Juve is playing the last team in the table. For Barcelona, Messi is fighting for his record top scorer in the La Liga history. Berebut Neymar & Messi. Their opponent is mid table.Kat Juve penalty taken by Tevez.... at Barca taken by Messi..........Best of Luck Visual

  5. Good idea bro visual...sapa ada aguero mesti untung dah score 2 bijik ni
