3 June 2016

Euro Fantasy League

Dear All,

Lama betul x menulis di ruangan ni...ok geng sedar2 x sedar euro pun dah nak start..ok saya nak buka league blogger macam biasala..tapi kali ni saya nak kasik hadiah kepada pemenang dalam liga ni...dah lama saya cuba hargai semua penyokong blogger ni...tapi ada syarat skitla...semua contestant dalam liga ni diminta untuk like page facebook di bawah ni ye...ok selamat berjaya semua bawah ni league punya details:

Mini-League :  Blogger League
League Password: 123456

Like page di bawah ni ya untuk syarat menangi hadiah :


Champion : Jersey sepasang dari penganjur

---------------  Selamat Berajaya Semua ------------------------


  1. Please Join my Mini league
    Mini-League : Erool anak tipah cup
    League Password: 12345

  2. What is your team name in Astro Wan Ozil??

  3. My team will lead the league..i wil try the best..hehe

  4. dude, mcm mne nk join, x dpt pn

  5. Your Post is very useful, I am truly to this blog which is specially design about the Fantasy football and It helped me with ocean of awareness so I really appreciate your blog.
